The Book of Names: Z
The list of Dark Angel names beginning with Z. Many brothers have been called to high office from this group — including former Company Master of the 5th Zadakiel; Zakaron a former Supreme Grand Master and Zanthus, a Chapter Master from the Heresy era.
- Zaafiel
- Zacchaeus
- Zacharel
- Zachariah
- Zacharius
- Zachriel
- Zacrath
- Zadakiel
- Zadkiel
- Zadok
- Zaelion
- Zafrire
- Zagam
- Zagiel
- Zagzagel
- Zahariel
- Zakaron
- Zakkiel
- Zalbesael
- Zaleos
- Zaliel
- Zaltys
- Zamael
- Zamiel
- Zamorael
- Zanthus
- Zaphkiel / Zafkiel
- Zaqiel
- Zarael / Zariel
- Zariaspa
- Zarobi
- Zavael
- Zavebe
- Zaul
- Zayday
- Zazel
- Zazean
- Zebediah
- Zebos
- Zebulon
- Zechariah
- Zechiel
- Zedekiah
- Zeffar
- Zehanpuryu
- Zeirna
- Zel
- Zendek
- Zepar
- Zephaniel
- Zephon
- Zephrael
- Zeriah
- Zerekian
- Zeriel
- Zethar
- Zianor
- Zidkiel
- Ziquiel / Zikiel
- Zizuph
- Zohariel
- Zophiel
- Zopyrion
- Zuphlas
- Zuriel