The Book of Names: A
The list of Dark Angel names beginning with A. Many brothers have been called to high office from this group — including our current Grand Master Azrael, previous Grand Master Aradiel, previous Chapter Master Althalos, and Alajos, previous Master of the Ninth Order, and Aderson 5th Company Master during the during the Third War for Armageddon.
- Aamon
- Abaddas
- Aban
- Abariel
- Abasdarhon
- Abathar
- Abiathar
- Abiaziel
- Abigor
- Abracace
- Abrid
- Abriel
- Abel
- Acaiah
- Achrabael
- Acutus
- Adirael
- Adnachiel
- Adnai
- Adonai
- Adramelech
- Af
- Afriel
- Aftiel
- Agares
- Agiel
- Aglibol
- Aguare
- Ahaz
- Ahadiel
- Ahiezar
- Aivion
- Akatriel
- Akibeel
- Akkad
- Akriel
- Alajos
- Alastorr
- Albiel
- Aldebaran
- Alloces
- Altarib
- Althalos
- Altheous
- Amabael
- Amabiel
- Amadis
- Amathael
- Amatiel
- Amduscias
- Amediel
- Amiel
- Amon
- Anael
- Anafiel
- Anfial
- Anahel
- Anahita
- Ananiel
- Ananias
- Andrael
- Andras
- Andrealphus
- Andromalius
- Anduriel
- Anfial
- Anahita
- Analeus
- Ananiel
- Anauel
- Anaziel
- Anfial
- Aniel
- Anitor
- Anixiel
- Anmael
- Antares
- Anthriel
- Antonius
- Anunna
- Apharan
- Aphrael
- Apollyon
- Apragsin
- Aquariel
- Aquila
- Aradiel
- Arael
- Arafael
- Aragiel
- Arakiel
- Aralim
- Aramis
- Araphil
- Arariel
- Arathiel
- Arathron
- Arauchia
- Araxiel
- Arbalan
- Arbatel
- Arcanus
- Archer
- Arbalan
- Arbatel
- Archer
- Arehanah
- Areia
- Arella
- Arial
- Ariobarzanes
- Arias
- Arioch
- Arion
- Aristobulus
- Aristophanes
- Armans
- Armaros
- Arsaces
- Artabazus
- Artiya'il
- Arzal
- Asael
- Asander
- Asaph
- Asatiel
- Asbeel
- Assasiel
- Ashel
- Ashriel
- Asmodai
- Asmodeus
- Aspherus
- Aspholon
- Asriel
- Asron
- Assiel
- Askelon
- Astarael
- Astaroth
- Astelan
- Astoran
- Astoreth
- Astoric
- Astrovel
- Ataphiel
- Atar
- Atarculph
- Antonius
- Attaris
- Atel
- Atid
- Attias
- Athanatos
- Atizyges
- Attalus
- Attarib
- Atuesuel
- Aubras
- Auel
- Auphanim
- Auriel
- Ausiul
- Austanes
- Autariates
- Autophradates
- Ayib
- Aymelek
- Ayscher
- Azacachia
- Azael
- Azaradel
- Azareel
- Azariah
- Azariel
- Azazel
- Azaziel
- Azbuga
- Azemilcus
- Azer
- Azkeel
- Azmaveth
- Azmodor
- Azliel
- Azrael
- Azraeth
- Azza