The Dark Fortress

Ravenwing squadron configurations and naming

Delving deep into the forbidden archives of the Second Company, I have compiled a list of Ravenwing squadron names and standing orders, combining them with modern armaments. These formations have been used with great effect over the millennia, and are tried-and-tested.

They are arranged in alphabetical order.

Raven's Beak Squadron


The sergeant is armed with a power fist, two squadron brothers-bikers have meltaguns.

Designed to take on enemy armour, these squads are often accompanied by an Attack Bike with a multi-melta. There isn't much that can withstand a murderous anti-armour capability of these squadrons bringing them much fame and reward but at very high risk. A Land Speeder Tornado may also be assigned to this squadron, but sometimes they are merely supported by Speeders from Raven's Glide Squadrons.

Raven's Eye Squadron


The sergeant is armed with a power fist, one squadron member carries a meltagun and another a plasma gun.

Configured for maximum impact when specific enemy is unknown, these squadrons are excellent in their primary role of moving around the flanks and deep into rear echelon areas of enemy formations where power fist of the sergeant has proved its worth time and time again in both smashing armour and armoured-infantry alike, although the assault role is for counter-assault only. As such they are invariably bolstered by three additional brother-bikers, an Attack Bike with a multi-melta for anti-armour duties and a Tornado Land Speeder offering covering suppressive fire.

Raven's Flight Squadron


The sergeant is armed with a power weapon and melta bomb, one squadron member has a flamer and another a plasma gun.

Much like the Raven's Eye Squadrons, these units are intelligence-gathering raiders, although their armament is geared more towards non-armoured targets. Operating deep within enemy held territory, these squadrons are expected to be able to look after themselves in most situations. These squadrons are normally accompanied by three additional brother-bikers, an Attack Bike with a multi-melta for anti-armour duties and a Tornado Land Speeder offering covering suppressive fire.

Raven's Lair Squadron

Honour Guards and shock raiders.

The sergeant is armed with a power fist or power weapon and melta bombs, two squadron brother-bikers have plasma guns.

Tasked with scouting ahead and securing landing zones for teleporting Deathwing squads these squadrons rely solely on their devastating firepower and speed for protection. When used as Honour Guards, these squadrons often include an Apothecary, who can mitigate the effects the unstable plasma guns should a meltdown occur; and sometimes a Standard Bearer too. Again they may be enforced by three additional brother-bikers and possibly when tactics dictate an Attack Bike offering anti-tank support. Any Land Speeder assigned to the squadron separates to undertake its own covert missions.

Raven's Talon Squadron

Scouting and anti-infantry

The sergeant is armed with a power weapon and a melta bomb, two squadron members have heavy flamers.

Tasked with fast forward-scouting and objective-taking, these squadrons also form the focal point for incoming teleporting Deathwing squads. Their armament is excellent for keeping enemy infantry at bay, so ensuring the incoming squads have a clear and safe drop zone. They may be accompanied by three further bikers who add their weight to the barrage of firepower, and occasionally by a heavy bolter Attack Bike.