The Book of Names: P
The list of Dark Angel names beginning with P. Despite being numerous, accessible records show that disproportionately few brothers have been called to high office from this name group.
- Pagiel
- Pahaliah
- Paimonah
- Palatinates
- Palian
- Pammon
- Pancia
- Paniel
- Parasiel
- Parmenio
- Parasatis
- Paschar
- Pasiel
- Pastor
- Patha
- Patrozin
- Patteny
- Paulo
- Pedael
- Peliel
- Penat
- Pendroz
- Peneume
- Perdiccas
- Permaz
- Persus
- Pesagniyah
- Petahyah
- Pethe
- Petines
- Phaiar
- Phaedus
- Phakiel
- Phaldor
- Phaleg
- Phalgus
- Phanuel
- Pharasmanes
- Pharnaces
- Pharniel
- Pharzuph
- Pharnabazus
- Phatiel
- Phenex
- Philotas
- Phi-Re
- Phorlakh
- Phradasmanes
- Phul
- Picollus
- Pixodarus
- Pluvius
- Pniel
- Poiel
- Porna
- Porosa
- Poteh
- Pravuil
- Praxil
- Presnostix
- Procel
- Proexe
- Pruel
- Prufla
- Prukiel
- Psychopompoi
- Puriel
- Purson