Updates log
A list all updates prior to February 2011
This page details articles added chronologically. It is not really intended for mass viewing but it's useful to see what went up and when.
Note that this log does not contain any of the articles currenntly listed on the Headquarters Command Briefing page.
All articles can be accessed from the Directorium (Site map) page
Updated: Dark Angels Advantages and Divergences to TECH REPORTS [22/1/11]
Review: DA Official FAQ Update version 1.1 to TECH REPORTS [21/1/11]
Sammy in Speeder by VanSan to ORATORIUM [9/1/11]
The new Dark Angels… Rebuilding to TECH REPORTS [13/12/10]
Fear and the Fearless to TECH REPORTS [28/11/10]
Comments trialling… added [27/11/10]
A Necron phalanx by Steve Woods to ORATORIUM [19/11/10]
'Raziel' by Raziel to ORATORIUM [15/11/10]
Site updating continuing… added [31/10/10]
DA by bevulf to ORATORIUM [21/10/10]
Dutch GT 2010 rules and unloved Ravenwing to TECH REPORTS [16/10/10]
Sammael in Speeder by Faolain to ORATORIUM [9/10/10]
Pre-heresy Dark Angels squad by DiStudios to ORATORIUM [5/10/10]
ORATORIUM style set up Added [22/9/2010]
Angels of Vengeance "Deathwing" strikeforce by Dawson to ORATORIUM [17/8/10]
Ravenwing Strikeforce by VanSan to ORATORIUM [14/8/10]
Flesh Tearers Devastators by Mortarion to ORATORIUM [26/7/10]
Brutal Flesh Tearers Sanguinary Guard and Terminators by Mortarion to ORATORIUM [14/7/10]
New site design and updating schedule to HQ [30/6/10]
Daemonhunters 'download' Codex Review to ORATORIUM [25/6/10]
Nurgle 'Ezekiel' by Gresiloth to ORATORIUM [17/6/10]
Deathwing Strikeforce by winterdyne to ORATORIUM [14/6/10]
Brain dump: Damocles Command Rhino to TACTICA REPORTS [24/5/10]
A Ravenwing overview by Master Toddius to TACTICA REPORTS [17/5/10]
Dark Angels Veteran squad by ellis_esquire to ORATORIUM [25/4/10]
Additions to Drathmere's Deathwing strikeforce to ORATORIUM [14/4/10]
Tutorial: painting DA shoulderpads to TECH REPORTS [6/4/10]
Tactica: DA Razorback to TACTICA REPORTS [30/3/10]
Titanicus: a review to TECH REPORTS [23/3/10]
Updated: The Book of Names pages to LIBRARIUM [23/3/10]
New look coming… added [21/3/10]
Tutorial: sponging battle damage to TECH REPORTS [16/3/10]
Additions to VanSan's Deathwing updated, to ORATORIUM [10/3/10]
Tactica: Deathwing Assault to TACTICA REPORTS [3/3/10]
Deathwing Squads — how to set them up for maximum potency to TACTICA REPORTS [22/2/10]
Ad Mech-themed Nurgle strikeforce by bad buddha to ORATORIUM [18/2/10]
Deathwing strikeforce by Raff to ORATORIUM [27/1/10] Upated with more images [28/1/10]
Tactica: Dark Angel Whirlwind to TACTICA REPORTS [14/1/10]
Deathwing strikeforce by Drathmere to ORATORIUM [12/1/10]
Tutorial: Speed basing by Drathmere to TECH REPORTS [6/1/10]
Word Bearers Dark Apostle and Temple by Prophet to ORATORIUM [27/12/09]
On 1970s nostalgia and 'low tech' high accuracy 40K painting to TECH REPORTS [21/12/09]
Tactica: Dark Angel Drop Pod to TACTICA REPORTS [15/12/09]
Hotlinking Policy to HEADQUARTERS [9/12/09]
Tactica: Dark Angel Rhino added the TACTICA REPORTS [9/12/09]
Tactica: Dark Angel Dreadnought to TACTICA REPORTS [28/11/09]
Tutorial: Painting Deathwing by Ron to TECH REPORTS [20/11/09]
Belial in relic armour by Ron to ORATORIUM [14/11/2009]
The Book of Names updated [19/10/2009]
Multiwing Strikeforce Deagle Raa to ORATORIUM [12/10/2009]
Bulletin 18: Firesweep to BULLETINS ARCHIVE [30/8/2009]
Deathwing Strikeforce Dezartfox to ORATORIUM [24/8/2009]
Nurgle infestation by Sepsis to ORATORIUM [27/7/2009]
Bulletin 17: Indomitable Dark Fortress to BULLETINS ARCHIVE [20/7/2009]
DA Techmarine Tactica to TACTICA REPORTS [11/7/2009]
DA Pre-Heresy Decal Set to LIBRARIUM [8/7/2009]
Unforgiven army build poll results to TECH REPORTS [23/6/2009]
Ravenwing Battle Standards to LIBRARIUM [19/6/2009]
Vigilant army analysis system to TECH REPORTS [12/6/2009]
3D Room of Judgment by reich to ORATORIUM [28/5/2009]
Mini Codex Custodian Knights to TECH REPORTS [26/5/2009]
Blast Weapons and Scatter II to TECH REPORTS [13/5/2009]
Blast Weapons and Scatter I to TECH REPORTS [29/4/2009]
Grey Knights Allied Contingent to TACTICA REPORTS [16/4/2009]
Strikeforce II by VanSan to ORATORIUM [13/4/2009]
Noise Marines by Tortoise to ORATORIUM [23/3/2009]
GK as allies: Building into army lists to TACTICA REPORTS [11/3/2009]
GK as allies: Heroes and units (updated) TACTICA REPORTS [11/3/2009]
GK as allies: Weapons, wargear and psychic powers (updated) TACTICA REPORTS [11/3/2009]
DA Advantages and Divergences to TECH REPORTS [4/3/2009]
Wave Serpent by Scottdsp748 to ORATORIUM [17/2/2009]
20+ Years of Dark Angel Wargaming updated, TECH REPORTS [4/2/2009]
DW Strikeforce by Brice Beale to ORATORIUM [3/2/2009]
INAT FAQ v2.1 (updated) TECH REPORTS [26/1/2009]
Mechanicum: A review to TECH REPORTS [13/1/2009]
Sammael by Alxin to ORATORIUM [17/12/2008]
Killhammer II: Close Combat to TACTICA REPORTS [14/12/2008]
Bulletin 16: Rodemstev to BULLETIN ARCHIVE [11/12/08]
DA FAQ of 10/10 review to TECH REPORTS [9/12/08]
Experimental 'Multiwing' Lists (updated) TECH REPORTS [1/12/08]
Killhammer to TACTICA REPORTS [30/11/2008]
VanSan's DW Strikeforce (upated) ORATORIUM [25/11/2008]
Wolferine's DW Strikeforce (upated) ORATORIUM [25/11/2008]
A Rationalised Dark Angels FAQ to TECH REPORTS [30/10/2008]
DW Strikeforce by VanSan to ORATORIUM [29/10/2008]
Poll: Unforgiven Builds to HQ [14/10/2008]
Ravenwing Squadron Pennants (updated) LIBRARIUM [9/10/2008]
Deathwing Battle Standards to LIBRARIUM [30/9/2008]
The Unforgiven or The Unwanted? to TECH REPORTS [29/9/2008]
GotC Army II by Trajan to ORATORIUM [22/9/2008]
DA and the 5th Ed Codex SM to TECH REPORTS [10/9/2008]
Angelica Mortis Part I to TACTICA REPORTS [24/8/2008]
Angelica Mortis Part II to TACTICA REPORTS [24/8/2008]
RW traditional squadron names to LIBRARIUM [14/8/2008]
RW Bike Squadron by Thirdeye to ORATORIUM [6/8/2008]
DA FAQ 2008 review to TECH REPORTS [29/7/2008]
20+ Years of Dark Angel wargaming (updated) TECH REPORTS [29/7/2008]
B&C 5th Edition SM Guide review to TECH REPORTS [29/7/2008]
DA and Necron Lord duel by binary to LIBRARIUM [11/7/2008]
Flesh Tearer Strikeforce by Mortarion to LIBRARIUM [27/6/2008]
Deathwing traditional squad names to LIBRARIUM [23/6/2008]
20+ Years of Dark Angel wargaming (updated) TECH REPORTS [12/6/2008]
DA 'Canadian' FAQ 2008 review to ORATORIUM [12/6/2008]
RW Strikeforce by J Karch to ORATORIUM [27/5/2008]
GotC Army by Trajan to ORATORIUM [15/5/2008]
Hall of Heroes to LIBRARIUM [4/5/2008]
INAT FAQ to TECH REPORTS [29/4/2008]
Logan Grimnar by Herne to ORATORIUM [25/4/2008]
Belial by Arjay to ORATORIUM [10/4/2008]
Chaos Terminator Lord by Skizzo to ORATORIUM [10/3/2008]
Inquisitor Lord and Retinue by Ordo=II=Maleus to ORATORIUM [9/3/2008]
Sammael by Joe Thomas to ORATORIUM [2/3/2008]
Pre-Heresy Mortis Dread to ORATORIUM [26/2/2008]
Deathwing Strikeforce by Schadle to ORATORIUM [18/2/2008]
The Dark Angels Fleet to TACTICA REPORTS [11/2/2008]
1D6 Probabilities to TECH REPORTS [5/2/2008]
Successor Strikeforce by Littlebitz to ORATORIUM [4/2/2008]
Descent of Angels: A review to TECH REPORTS [29/1/08]
Lionel Johnson: The first Dark Angel? to LIBRARIUM [23/1/08]
Using Allies: Grey Knights part 1 to TECH REPORTS [22/1/08]
Land Raider II by Rene to ORATORIUM [29/12/2007]
3D6 Probabilities to TECH REPORTS [14/12/2007]
2D6 Probabilities updated in the TECH REPORTS [14/12/2007]
4th Company Battle Order (updated) TACTICA REPORTS [14/12/2007]
Ven Dread by Herne to ORATORIUM [29/11/2007]
Land Raider by Rene to ORATORIUM [29/11/2007]
Azrael by LunchBox to ORATORIUM [26/11/2007]
Deathwing Strikeforce Pea to ORATORIUM [22/11/2007]
DA Legion Pre-Heresy Banners to LIBRARIUM [13/11//2007]
DA Strikeforce Barakiel to ORATORIUM [9/11/2007]
Pre-Heresy Strikeforce Angels_Blade to ORATORIUM [31/10/2007]
Deep Striking — calculate the risk to TECH REPORTS [24/10/2007]
Tactical Squad configurations to TACTICA REPORTS [12/9/2007]
Link Banners (updated) LIBRARIUM [4/9/2007]
Deathwing Tactica: Deathwing Assault to TACTICA REPORTS [18/7/2007]
DA Strikeforce Chaplain Mortis to ORATORIUM [9/7/2007]
Deathwing Strikeforce Wolferine to ORATORIUM [6/7/2007]
Donations to HQ+ [22/6/2007]
Feedback Form to HQ+ [20/6/2007]
Battle Co Combat Squad Banners to LIBRARIUM [18/6/2007]
Deathwing Decal Sheet to LIBRARIUM [26/5/2007]
Building a Pure Deathwing army to TECH REPORTS [22/5/2007]
Belial's Master of the DW Banner to LIBRARIUM [13/4/2007]
'Multiwing' 2K test lists to TECH REPORTS [22/3/2007]
Dark Angels Strikeforce Angels_Blade to ORATORIUM [7/3/2007]
An Interview with Jervis Johnson to TECH REPORTS [5/3/2007]
New Codex Dark Angels Review to TECH REPORTS [28/2/2007]
Battle Company Battle Standards to LIBRARIUM [7/2/2007]
Reserve Company Battle Standards to LIBRARIUM [18/1/2007]
Mini Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus to TECH REPORTS [4/1/2007]
'Teleporting Out' Special Rule - to TECH REPORTS [1/1/2007]
Mini Tactica Update: Land Speeders TACTICA REPORTS [7/12/06]
Dark Angels battlegroup by LoopyLoo to ORATORIUM [30/11/06]
'Codex Fever' to TECH REPORTS [14/11/2006]
New Dark Angels Direction to TECH REPORTS [14/11/2006]
Calculating Averages to TECH REPORTS [7/11/2006]
Dark Angels Medusa V Battle Standard to LIBRARIUM [5/11/06]
Dark Angels battlegroup by Dzul to ORATORIUM [24/10/06]
Deathwing Strikeforce Mortarion to ORATORIUM [27/9/06]
Deathwing Tactica Overview to TACTICA REPORTS [27/9/06]
Mini Tactica: Librarians to TACTICA REPORTS [23/8/06]
Mini Tactica: Drop Pods to TACTICA REPORTS [23/8/06]
Dark Angels Historica to LIBRARIUM [20/07/2006]
Banners of the Librarius (Archaic) to LIBRARIUM [20/07/2006]
Bulletin 14: The Rescue to BULLETIN ARCHIVE [25/03/2006]
Deathwing 'Legion' Squad Banners to LIBRARIUM [27/2/06]
2d6 Score Probabilities to TECH REPORTS [23/2/2005]
4d6 Score Probabilities to TECH REPORTS [20/2/2005]
Vehicle Markings to LIBRARIAN [24/1/2006]
Assault Cannon v Lascannon Stats to TECH REPORTS [9/1/2006]
Banners of the Librarius to LIBRARIUM [29/11/2005]
Images of DA Strikeforce Pea to ORATORIUM [23/10/05]
Awards to HEADQUARTERS [15/10/2005]
2nd Co. Disposition to TACTICA REPORTS [11/10/2005]
6th Res. Co. Disposition to TACTICA REPORTS [8/10/2005]
7th Res. Co. Disposition to TACTICA REPORTS [8/10/2005]
Deathwing & Ravenwing Co Badges to LIBRARIUM [7/10/2005]
Ravenwing Techmarine Pennants to LIBRARIUM [7/10/2005]
Ravenwing HQ Pennants to LIBRARIUM [3/10/2005]
Ravenwing Pennants to LIBRARIUM [12/9/2005]
Carthusia Battle Standard to LIBRARIUM [4/9/2005]
Bulletin 13: Embarkation to BULLETIN ARCHIVE [28/08/2005]
The Book of Names new additions to LIBRARIUM [23/8/2005]
Online Campaign The Purge of Carthusia+ [10/7/05]. Now over.
Special Rules: Space Marines Tech Cult to TECH REPORTS [23/6/05]
New added - the ORATORIUM [23/6/2005]
Deathwing Squad Sergeants Doctrine to TACTICA REPORTS [6/6/2005]
Deathwing Squad Banners [updated for download] to LIBRARIUM [12/5/2005]
Special Rules: 'Fury from the skies' to TECH REPORTS [2/5/2005]
Bulletin 12: The Deathwing to BULLETIN ARCHIVE [30/04/2005]
The Book of Names to LIBRARIUM [23/4/2005]
Deathwing Tactica: Character Doctrine to TACTICA REPORTS [24/3/2005]
Deathwing Tactica: Land Raider Doctrine to TACTICA REPORTS [24/3/2005]
Deathwing Tactica: The All Infantry Doctrine to TACTICA REPORTS [11/3/2005]
Deathwing Strikeforce Battle Order to TACTICA REPORTS [8/3/2005]
Deathwing Squad Banners to LIBRARIUM [21/2/2005]
Mini Tactica: Deathwing Terminators to TACTICA REPORTS [15/2/2005]
Bulletin 11: Reorganisation to BULLETIN ARCHIVE [1/2/2005]
Squad banners (updated) to LIBRARIUM [04/01/05]
Bulletin 10: Rendezvous to BULLETIN ARCHIVE [12/9/2004]
Special Rules: Vehicle Crews Bailing Out to TECH REPORTS [29/7/2004]
Bulletin 9: The Ash Legion to BULLETIN ARCHIVE [26/7/2004]
Bulletin 8: The Red Shroud to BULLETIN ARCHIVE [11/7/2004]
Company Master's Banner to LIBRARIUM 25/6/2004
Complex Assault to BULLETIN ARCHIVE [25/6/2004]
Aftermath to BULLETIN ARCHIVE [19/5/2004]
Mini Tactica: Transports to TACTICA REPORTS [29/04/04]
Battle Standards to LIBRARIUM [20/04/04]
Mini Tactica: Land Raiders to TACTICA REPORTS [20/04/04]
Mini Tactica: Land Speeders to TACTICA REPORTS [20/04/04]
Night Repulse to BULLETIN [15/04/04]
Mini Tactica: Dreadnoughts to TACTICA REPORTS [15/04/04]
The Soul Destroyer to BULLETIN [17/03/04]
Garrison Standard to LIBRARIUM [15/03/04]
Prisoner to BULLETIN [22/1/2004]
Army Insignia to LIBRARIUM [18/11/03]
Mini Tactica: Attack Bikes to TACTICA REPORTS [3/11/03]
Company Badges to LIBRARIUM [12/10/2003]
Chaplain Banners to LIBRARIUM [5/10/03]
Mini Tactica: Whirlwind to TACTICA REPORTS [3/10/03]